The Advantage of Video Ads over Static

Video Ads VS Static Ads

Videos allow you to show your business in a way that grabs your audience’s attention. For example, if you are launching a new product you want to promote, you can make a video ad that demonstrates how it works. Seeing your business in action will intrigue views and help them envision what your company can do for them. Business Insider discovered that videos get almost three times more click-throughs than static digital adverts.

Video Ads or Static Ads for Facebook campaigns?

There are over one billion Facebook users. Through these users, Facebook has received a steady rise in click through rate and purchase rates from video advertisements. Video ads are receiving an average of an 8.7% CTR, compared to static images with an average CTR of 3.7%. A study by Adobe states that shoppers are 1.8 times more likely to purchase an item after viewing a video ad opposed to a non-video post.

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